Funny, I sit here at my desk and every time I look up, I see a picture of three of my school friends from way back when I was in High School. A couple of years ago, my Daughter contacted one of these women (Valerie) without me knowing it and got us connected again. I spoke to her on the phone a couple of times, me always calling her. I thought it was really thoughtful of my Daughter to go out of her way to do this for me. Through the following days, I got the numbers to a couple more old friend (again, Harmony did all of the work) I called them both and spoke at length to them. Phone numbers were exchanged and we said our good byes with promises to keep in touch. Well guess again. I haven't heard from either one of them since I called them months ago. I also send emails to them with a rare reply. I have come to the conclusion that when old friends go one way and you go another, there is a reason they do not stay in your lives. I consider myself lucky to have had those friend in the past. I will continue to look at their picture on my office wall and remember when I was younger, then being thankful that I am older now and have other friends that have come into my life and stayed. You come into this world alone and you will leave it the same way, so cherish the ones you love while you are here.
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